This is the website of Converse University (CU) in Spartanburg, SC. Our postal address is 580 East 主要街道 Spartanburg, SC 29302. 你可能 reach us via email at info@万博地址.edu, or by telephone at 864-596-9000. 以下政策适用于万博地址网站(www.万博地址)的用户.万博地址.Edu或my.万博地址.edu/),旨在确定万博地址从用户那里收集的信息类型,并解释如何使用这些信息.
How We Collect Personal Data
Information Collected When You 访问交流 University Websites
你可以在不泄露任何个人信息的情况下浏览大多数万博地址(CU)的网站. 但是,大学可能会收集有关您如何使用我们网站的一般信息. 我们收集和使用您的数据的方式取决于您与大学的关系以及您与我们互动的方法.
这包括, but is not limited to, the time of day and duration of your 访问, your geographical location, the web browser used, the operating system you are using, 您的IP地址, the websites from which you navigated to the University websites from, and your CPU speed.
万博地址也可以跟踪网站的流量模式和点击流. Converse University, 或者第三方也可能分析访问者的行为并可能匿名分享, aggregated data with sponsors and advertisers.
If you send an email to Converse University, your email address and the contents of your message may be collected. 所编译的信息不限于文本字符,并且可以包括任何音频, video, and other graphic information included in your email to us.
为了申请, register for classes, purchase services or products, 申请就业或完成与大学的任何其他交易, you may be asked to voluntarily provide personal information. 阁下选择向中大提供的任何个人资料,只会用于中大的正式业务. 你所提供的个人资料可能会被中大(或大学聘用的第三方)用于:
- Customize the content or advertisements that you see
- Fulfill your requests services or respond to inquiries
- 与你联系
- Conduct user research
- Respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process
- Establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.
Use of Collected Information
在网上向我们提供邮寄地址的准学生可能会收到我们定期发送的邮件,其中包含有关大学万博下载ios和课程交付方法的信息. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by calling us at the number provided above, emailing us at the above email address, or writing to us at the above mailing address.
万博地址不与任何广告服务器公司合作或有特殊关系. Converse University will not share, 出售, 租金, 贷款, trade or lease personal information collected on this site.
cookie是CU的网站可能放在您计算机硬盘上的少量数据. 饼干 can store user preferences, record session information, such as information requests, online course registrations, tuition payments and other student services. CU’s websites uses cookies to “remember” your preferences, and to record your browsing behavior on our websites. You can prevent CU’s websites from placing cookies on your hard drive, 然而, some features of our websites may not be available to you, or some web pages may not display properly if you disable cookies. No personal data is stored in cookies on your computer.
饼干 serve various functions:
- 绝对必要:您浏览网站和使用其功能所必需的, 包括 accessing secure areas of the site;
- 性能和功能:增强我们服务的性能和功能,但对服务的使用不是必需的. 示例包括嵌入式视频播放或网站行为,如加载速度;
- 分析和定制:让我们了解我们的活动的有效性, as well as to customize our services based on this information; or
- 广告:使广告信息与你和你的教育兴趣更相关.
万博地址利用谷歌分析来更好地了解我们的在线访问者的需求. No personal identifying data is included in this type of reporting; Converse University uses this data to determine aggregate statistics about the number of 访问ors this site receives, what content is being viewed and the browsers being used. 这些数据使万博地址能够更好地为其在线访问者和他们的用户体验提供服务. All activity falls within the bounds of the 谷歌分析 Terms of 服务. 你可能 learn how Google uses data when you use their partners’ websites.
Want to opt out of tracking? You have the option of opting out of Google’s advertising tracking cookie,或者使用浏览器插件选择退出所有谷歌Analytics跟踪软件.
CU websites may contain links to other websites. 我们不控制目的地网站的隐私政策,也不对其内容负责. 离开CU服务器后(您可以通过检查浏览器位置栏中的URL来检查您所处的位置), 您提供的任何信息均受您正在访问的外部网站的运营商的隐私政策管辖. 该隐私政策可能与万博地址的隐私政策不同. 中大对除本政策开头声明中列出的中大网站外的其他网站的隐私做法或内容概不负责.
Confidentiality and Integrity of Your Collected Information
万博地址坚决致力于保护通过其网站收集的个人信息,防止未经授权的访问, 使用或披露. 因此, 中大只允许在执行公务时需要查阅透过网站收集的个人资料的雇员查阅. 有权访问此信息的员工遵循与任何个人信息披露相关的适当程序.
除了, 万博地址已实施程序,以保障其信息技术资产的完整性, 包括, but not limited to, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计, 和加密. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, 实现, 及大学网站的日常运作,务使我们继续致力确保电子内容及资讯以电子方式传送的安全.
虽然CU采用了我们认为合理和适当的安全措施来保护您的个人信息, we do not guarantee that our security precautions will protect against, and we expressly disclaim any liability for, 任何损失, 滥用, or alteration of your personal information.
Changes to Converse University 隐私政策
万博地址可能随时更新或修改本隐私政策. If our information practices change at some time in the future, 我们将在我们的网站上发布政策变更,以通知您这些变更,并为您提供退出这些新用途的机会. 我们可以选择使用从我们的网站用户收集的客户信息, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in this Privacy Notice. 如果您担心您的信息被如何使用,您应该定期查看此网页.
If you feel Converse University is not following this 隐私政策, 您可以通过上面列出的地址或电话号码与大学联系.
主要的电话 & 总机: 864.596.9000
Converse University
580 E. 主圣
Spartanburg, SC 29302